Lake Baikalsee is the world‘s largest (and deepest), reaching about 1600 meters at its deepest point. Listvyanka Is a typical small village at its northern share, near the point where river Angara leaves Lake Baikal.
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Sleeping Lion /
6am, somewhere near Ulan Ude, Russia: my drone, myself and about 1000 mosquitos! Still, a wonderful location to start a drone-flying day. Next stop: Lake Baikal, the world‘s largest lake.
6 Uhr morgens, in der Nähe von Ulan Ude (Russland): meine Mavic Pro 2, ich und mindestens 1000 Mücken! Trotzdem eine wunderbare Location zum Drohnen fliegen. Unser nächster Stop: der Baikalsee - der größte Süßwassersee der Welt!